Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Getting ready with one less passenger

This summer's trip will be our first without our long time pet, Snoopers.  She traveled, reluctantly with us for the last few years.  In the early years of traveling by RV starting in 2001, Snoopers people-grandmother would take care of her while we were gone.  Our trips were shorter and many times we'd fly home to take a break during the trip.  It's not easy to fly a cat or anything else with a cat for that matter.  Our trips over the years are longer and we added a second cat, Muffin a few years ago.  Once we had the 2nd cat, the decision was made to take both with us.  Snoopers didn't want to go, but she tolerated it.

Maria and Linda first saw Snoopers about 15 years ago in a pet store window.  Snoopers was a young mother with a litter of kittens.  She looked too young to have kittens, but some of the kittens looked just like her.  As the weeks went by the kittens all got adopted and Snoopers was left alone.  Even the last kitten with bowed rear legs like Snoopers got adopted.  Maria and Linda decided it was time to take Snoopers home.  We had two cats before Snoopers, so it was easy to make her feel at home.  She was both snoopy and spooky, but loved.

The picture to the left was taken 10 years ago when Snoopers was about 5 years old.  New Years Eve day she died.  She was a great cat and we'll miss her on our trip.

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