Thursday, January 23, 2014

Last stop before home

On August 5th, we made the six hour drive to the Charleston, SC area.  My brother, Scott and his wife, Andrea recently purchased an old home just off the downtown square of Summerville, SC.  We wanted to visit them and their "new" house.

This house will turn out to be a major remodeling project.  They want to keep most of the features of the old house, but many things needed to be repaired and shored up.  Scott was in the yard trying to chop through the jungle of over-growth, when we arrived.
Scott explaining features of the Summerville house to Linda
Side view of house with deck and entry to the kitchen
Rear deck
Driveway with lots of over-grown vegetation
Modern detached garage

Stairway leading to the 2nd floor
Inside looking through the front door
Fireplace with hard pine floor
Side view of the house
We went to lunch with Scott and Andrea along with their oldest daughter, Sarah, who is attending graduate school in Charleston.
Tim, Linda, Andrea, Sarah, & Scott at lunch
Scott and Andrea have a big project on their hands remodeling the old house.  We wish them luck.

After visiting relative, we took a plantation tour recommended by Andrea.  Drayton Hall Drayton Hall is located a few miles outside of Charleston.  It was originally started in 1734 and is maintained today  to show the mansion through all its years of wear and tear.  The organization that "maintains" Drayton Hall tries to preserve the mansion, but not rebuild it to look like new.  Therefore, you see weathered paint, walls, floor and details.  It exhibits a wonderful patina. 
Drayton Hall
Sign explaining Drayton Hall and the plantation
Model of the mansion and long gone walls connecting out buildings
Drayton Hall privy
View from front deck of Drayton Hall
Interior detail
Fireplace with coat of arms above the mantle
More detail in the interior
Massive tree on the property
Example of vegetation on the property
The tour was great lead by a very informed docent.  We highly suggest a visit.

August 7th we made a dash home leaving the Charleston area.  We couldn't wait to see our grandson, family and friend after being gone for two months (Linda did fly home for a week).  This trip was our longest time away from home as far as consecutive days.  We had a great time on the trip, but it was good to be home.

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