Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why would we leave?

Some people ask the question. After all, we live in paradise (actually Paradise Island) on Treasure Island. We have gorgeous beaches along with family and friends nearby. Both of our children's families live close by with our first grandchild just about to turn 18 months old.

Tim & Linda on Treasure Island beach

Above is a recent picture of us taken on the beach, while we were with our daughter's family.  We took some pictures of them and they took this picture for us.   It is great to be able to walk a short distance and be on a beautiful beach on the Gulf of Mexico.  Why would we leave?  The next reason makes it harder to leave.

Our grandson, Caden, is 18 months old.  Linda babysits him 2 or 3 times a week.  He's a pretty interesting little guy.  His mom claims he says about 25 words.  He doesn't need to talk to communicate what he wants and he is expressive.  Below is a picture of our daughter, Maria, Caden, and son-in-law, Justin on the beach.

Maria, Caden, & Justin on beach

Of course we think Caden is special.  Grandparents are allowed to think that way.  Below is a video of Caden with our cat, Muffin, playing with a toy bought for the cat.  Caden likes it more than Muffin.


Yep, it's stuff like the above that makes it hard to leave.  Linda & I both traveled extensively when we were young.  I guess the sense of wanderlust has stayed with us.  We love to travel and experience new things and meet new people.  This country is great and offers a wide variety of experiences.  Linda will get her Caden fix when she flies home to babysit for a week in July, while Maria and Justin attend a business conference.

We're set to leave Sunday, June 9th.  Find out more on our next post.

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